Tuesday, May 6, 2014

White Matcha from Red Leaf Tea

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

Tea has become a bigger part of my life in the past few months. I've really learned to enjoy it.  It's calming, soothing, and there is endless variety.

Recently, I was invited to try White Matcha Tea from the Red Leaf Tea Company.   Having never tried it before, I wasn't sure what to expect.

I received a small (30 g) bag of White Matcha and a sample-size of Caramel Matcha Special Blend.

WOW. This has to be one of the lightest, smoothest teas I've had so far.  It's not exactly 'delicate' but it's very mild. 

I thought the tea itself would be white in colour, but it isn't.  It's a muddy-brown and so is the brewed tea. Very unexpected!

I followed the Traditional Brewing and Steeping Instruction: 

As a hot tea, White Matcha's penetrating smell and amazing flavor really come to life. 
To enjoy White Matcha as a hot tea: 
Bring your White Matcha powder to room temperature [18°C (64°F) to 23°C (73°F)], and sift through a strainer. Scoop 1 ½ to 2 rounded teaspoons of sifted White Matcha into a tea bowl or cup Add ¼ to 1/3 cup of hot, simmering water (this may be more or less diluted based on your preference). Briskly whisk your White Matcha. As the Matcha begins to dissolve, move the whisk briskly back and forth as fast as you can in the middle of the bowl or cup. The whisk should be vertical and barely touching the bottom of the bowl or cup. Once your Matcha has developed a soft, light foam, slowly lift the whisk from the center of the bowl or cup.


As you can see, the brewed tea is a deep brown. It has a lovely bouquet -- bright, soothing, with a slight perfume. The aroma gives one the sense of a freshly turned garden. 

The flavour is slightly sweet, malty, with no bitter after-tones.  This is a tea I will drink often.

 White Tea has some wonderful qualities to help maintain good health. In essence, White Matcha contains those same qualities with a purer taste. The health benefits of White Matcha include:

*High antioxidant count to kill free radicals in the blood stream
*Reduces the risk of certain types of cancer
*Decreases fine lines and wrinkles in the skin
*Helps maintain a beautiful complexion
*Has only one percent (1%) caffeine content of coffee

White Matcha Tea from Red Leaf Tea Company is high quality. It's priced competitively (Approx. $19.95 for 30g) and offers a fabulous alternative to Green and other teas. 

You may connect with Red Leaf Tea on Their Social Media Pages:
Facebook and @RedLeafTea on Twitter.

You may purchase White Matcha on Amazon.com

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

1 comment:

Dina said...

I LOVE Matcha! I just started using it last year. It's full of antioxidants and a great energy booster!