Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Sweet November! Brooklyn Bean Roastery #Giveaway! #BBRHB

November is a wonderful month that is beautifully "in between" Fall and Winter. No matter how hard we try, we always get the blues.

I'm giving away a 24 count box of Brooklyn Bean Roastery Flavoured Variety Pack Coffee (K-Cups)!   The Flavored Variety Pack includes: Vanilla Skyline, Maple Sleigh, Cinnamon Subway, Coney Island Caramel, Oh Fudge, and Hazelnut.

Just post a comment answering the following question: 

Which coffee flavour and activity (keep it clean) best helps you overcome those pre-winter blues?

For me, it's Brooklyn Bean's Red Velvet and cross-stitching!

Yes, it's that simple!  Contest will end on Monday, November 30 at 11:59 p.m.

Open to USA only, please! 


Disclosure: I am a member of the Brooklyn Bean Roastery Honorary Brooklynites.  As such, I receive coffee samples. However, ALL opinions are my own and based on my own experience with and use of the product(s). #BBRHB


momo said...

I would want to try this flavored coffee of theirs; Coney Island Caramel, Oh Fudge, Hazelnut. To keep away the winter blues I start spring cleaning the house right after Christmas-

patty wright said...

Vanilla flavored coffee and reading a book.

Unknown said...

My favorite coffee flavour is Breakfast Blend. And the activity that helps with pre-winter blues is to take a walk and see the leaves and their beautiful colors.

Angela Saver said...

Cinnamon Subway Coffee & walking briskly in my hilly neighborhood keeps the winter blues away! Thanks for a great giveaway!


ken ohl said...

I love to golf to beat the wintertime blues and I love french roast coffee. thankyou, ken pohl19@comcast.net

Audrey Stewart said...

I really don't like the cold at all, but I love Hazelnut anything. I drink Hazelnut coffee as a treat for myself in the afternoons. (jozywails@gmail.com)

momo said...

Another flavored coffee that I want to taste is this one; Oh Fudge- (sounds so good)

chickie717 said...

Cinnamon Subway as I'm sitting on the couch listening to Christian music in the morning!.

Lynne said...

Mocha flavored coffee and cuddling with my kitty is the best way to overcome the pre-winter (or any other type of) blues.

Maryann D. said...

The coffee flavor I would love is Oh Fudge. To keep away pre-winter blues, I do try to take walks when the weather is decent or I just walk about my building at work. Exercise is super to keep blues away.
twinkle at optonline dot net

Lauren said...

I would like Vanilla Skyline and reading.

justwin4once said...

I think Oh Fudge!, my knitting and a great movie help me shake the pre-winter blues.
justwin4once at gmail dot com

BarbaraRiffe said...

The Coney Island and the Oh, Fudge and doing a art project. Thank you griffe@frontiernet.net

skkorman said...

Drinking hazelnut coffee and reading good books help me overcome anything, including pre-winter blues!

skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

Mom Knows Best said...

Love walking and vanilla coffee