Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Congratulations to Kim R.! She won the Stonyfield / Oikos Yogurt coupons and re-usable tote!

I've got even more giveaways coming soon.

Yes, I'm still experiencing lingering after-effects from the flu and bronchitis. No exercise, per doctor's orders, for another week.

I think I've gained about 4 pounds, too.

Hopefully, I'll be back on the right track soon.

Take care, y'all!


jo said...

Congrats to Kim!

I hope you're feeling better Really soon. That's no fun and I bet you're just itching to be your normal self. Your weight will come off quickly.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are back to working out - I've had bronchitis before and there is nothing like trying to walk on a treadmill and unable to breathe!


Chibi said...

I'm sorry you're not feeling 100% yet. Take it easy, rest, and take care of you.