I guess everyone knows by now that Mom and I love handbags: messenger, cross-body, clutch, classic, tote... you name it, we own it.
The problem, I suppose, is that there are too few unique, personal bags. Everything is based on a formula: set patterns, fabrics, designs.
This is why I was so fascinated with the concept at PURSEnally Yours! You see, PURSEnally Yours offers you the chance to design your own special purse from a wide choice of fabrics, fringes, and specialty handles.
The chance that someone is going to choose a purse exactly like your own is fairly low -- so you will have a unique purse designed to your personal desire! How cool is that?
All PURSEnally Yours™ items are made with the highest quality of materials and superb attention to detail. No rough edges, no ripped seams, no flaws in the fabric. And the price is SO right!
I chose the Mae Backpack (One Size: 16 1/2" H X 14" W X 4" D, ARV: $69).
Standard Features:
*One Size
*Choice of fabrics for exterior, interior, pockets, loop, and straps
*Drawstring closure
*2 thin or thick straps
*1 thin or thick hang loop
*2 or 3 interior pockets
*You may choose to have the interior spill over onto the exterior top about 2"
Optional Features:
*$10 - Fringe at top, Additional interior pockets, Monogrammed letter, Special split request, Flap-snap closure (will not have drawstring)
I know I'll need it for my College Classes in the Fall and it's perfect for carrying around all of my necessities!
For the exterior fabric, I chose *70 Purple Polka Dot,

and the handles I picked were *76 Black Dottie.
It's just fantastic! I was so excited when it came -- I squealed in Mom's ear!
I took these photos in Myrtle Beach. The bag came just as I was about to walk out the door for my trip. Needless to say, it went with me.
PURSEnally Yours is really a neat experience. To me, something has a lot more meaning if I had a hand in designing or creating it to suit myself. I love this backpack because it allows me to express myself.
You can even host a PURSEnally Yours Design Party with your friends or co-workers! The Company does all of the work and you have all of the fun!
* Hostess receives 10% of sales (before tax & shipping) toward merchandise
* Hostess will not be charged shipping on personal order
* Hostess receives a $5 credit toward merchandise for every person who books a party
* Hostess receives 50% off an accessory with party sales of more than $500 before tax & shipping
* Hostess receives a free accessory with party sales of more than $1000 before tax & shipping
I'm thinking that this will be cool for me once classes are underway. My friends and I can make a night of it -- a pizza / purse party!
The wonderful Natalie at PURSEnally Yours has generously offered one of our readers the chance to design her own custom purse! Isn't that just too cool? The winner will receive a $75 Gift Certificate to PURSEnally Yours!
Just follow the entry instructions below!
Open to USA only, please!
***NOTICE: You *MUST* leave your email address in the body of your comment or make your email address visible in your profile. If I cannot contact you -- you can't win!***
Please leave a separate comment for EACH entry!
MANDATORY ENTRY: Please visit PURSEnally Yours and tell me which bag-style and colors you'll use for your new purse!
1. "LIKE" (Fan) PURSEnally Yours on Facebook. Post on their wall and tell them Terri and Liz from Gathering My Roses sent you!
2. Follow Gathering My Roses PUBLICLY via Google Friend Connect (Located on the sidebar)
3. Follow Gathering My Roses via Facebook Networked Blogs (Located on sidebar)
4. Become a fan of Gathering My Roses on Facebook (link on Sidebar!)
5. Follow @mysticraindrops on Twitter
6. Tweet about this contest (no more than twice daily, please!)
@mysticraindrops Win a $75 GC to PURSEnally Yours! Ends 7/12/10
7. Post about this contest on your blog and link back here!
8. Enter another contest on our blog and then come back and tell us which one.
9. Grab our button and post it to your sidebar or favourites page!
This contest will be open from Tuesday, June 29th until Monday, July 12th. Winner will be announced on Tuesday, July 13th.
I was provided with a complementary custom handbag for the purpose of this review and giveaway. I was under no obligation to review this item. I received no other compensation. My opinion is based solely on my own experience and use of the item reviewed.
cheryl messanger in pink and denim
I would love a Rachel bag. For colors I would choose turqoise, dark brown and yellow.
I'd pick the Rachel bag, with the fabrics Designer stripe & denim delight.
ginabx(at)yahoo(dot)com thanks!
I follow mysticraindrops on twitter (buttabee)
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my favorite bag is the Rachel Bag. I'd make the main part of the bag "104 Kimono Class" with the middle stripe being "16 Jungle Red"
my email is littleheathen9109 @ yahoo dot com
I follow you via GFC
I follow you on twitter as @forgetshyness
im your new networked blogs follower as Emily Ev---
I'd get the Anna purse in Coral Squiggles with a Kimono Class lining and Midnight Black Suede handle.
Thanks for the chance to win!
ejm6x (at) yahoo (dot) com
My teen & I had fun with picking out & designing a purse.
Tess Bag/ outside 118 Bamboo Brown, inside of purse Java Giraffe, Bamboo strap. (No outside strap)
I Like PURSnally Yours facebook
I could'nt find any where to follow on sidebar for Google friend
Jolynn W. Rood follows on network blogs.
i would love to get the messenger bag with a bamboo brown exterior, a blue lagoon interior and brown bear suede strap
i would love to get the messenger bag with a bamboo brown exterior, a blue lagoon interior and brown bear suede strap
i am a facebook fan of pursenally yours and left them a comment to let them know you sent me
jenn giannetto
i am a twitter follower
i am a facebook fan of yours
jenn giannetto
i am entered in your delicate souls giveaway
Love the Rachel. I would pick that in the Yellow Yo-Yo color. So cute!
athrahans at hotmail dot com
I like the Rachel bag and I love the Pink/Brown combo.
Thanks for the chance.
I like the Mary Jane bag. cindyhinckley at msn.
Love the Olivia Purse in Yellow Yo-Yo. omydarlingblog(at)gmail(dot)com
i like the mary jane purse in java giraffe
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Gatherin My Roses Fb fan(laurenwarrenbrown)
These are so nice! I think I'd get the Mindy purse in (91) veranda paisely with (17) denim delight handles and interior. sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
"like" pursenally yours on FB and told her you sent me (janice alvarez herberger) sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
entered new balance giveaway sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
"like" you on FB sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
I follow via networked blogs. sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
I follow publicly via GFC sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
I like the Tess purse. Exterior would be designer dot, interior would be purple palace stripe. handles would be bamboo
jenndiggy at gmail dot com
i'd get the Cheryl Messenger bag, with robust red suede, bold burgundy suede, and black night fluffy fringe 8)
following MysticRaindrops on twitter
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I like the Mary Jane Purse
Kathy N Scott liked and commented on Pursenally Yours on facebook.
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idahomom7 is following you on twitter
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I'd pick the Rachel Bag. Sides: 52 Galaxy Stripe; Center & Straps: 77 Galaxy Circles & Inside Pockets: 39 Key Lime Stripe
frisbeemisty at yahoo dot com
Entered the New Balance giveaway
frisbeemisty at yahoo dot com
Following Gathering My Roses publicly via Google Friend
frisbeemisty at yahoo dot com
I'd love the Cheryl Messenger Bag in Bold Burgundy Suede.
GFC FOllower.
Who's There Fabric with Rust Bead Fringe.
bevwhip at yahoo dot com
LIKED PURSENALLY YOURS ON FACEBOOK VIA ANGEL JACKLYN facebook.com/kytah00 kytah00@yahoo.com
FOLLOW YOU VIA GOOGLE FRIEND CONNECT AS "kytah00" kytah00@yahoo.com
I like the Rachel bag in Purple Palace Stripe and Zig Zag interior.
smchester at gmail dot com
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smchester at gmail dot com
I follow mysticraindrops on twitter as ptowngirl.
smchester at gmail dot com
I think I would get the Tess in Chocolate Cotton!
We are GFC'd ;)
I am your FB fan!
I entered your delicate soles giveaway!
blogged about it!
I would get the Olivia Purse in brown fabric!
I liked you on Facebook and left a comment on their wall saying Terri and Liz sent me :)
Public follower on Google Friend Connect. THanks ybutler@oppcatv.com
I picked the Olivia with Galaxy Stripe and Green Giant fabric. I didn't pick the straps wasn't sure what would match. If I win I will get advice from the sponsor on the stray. Thanks for the entry. ybutler@oppcatv.com
I totally love that site! I finally picked the Olivia Bag with the Hollywood Fabric on the bottom, Chocolate Ribbon to divide the bottom and top and the Butterscothc Fabric for the top.
Butterscotch fabric for the interior and Hollywood for the pockets.
Handles: I am not sure..either the black plastic or fabric..which ever I can get in the Extra Large.
This is a great concept, especially for parties. I personally love the Rachel bag, and I would choose Hoo's There for the side fabric and Key Lime Stripe for the center fabric and straps! Thanks so much for a chance to win!
I am a Google Friend Connect follower, Thank you!
I also like Gathering Roses on Facebook (I'm Amanda Davis) Thanks again!!
I am following mysticraindrops on Twitter @amandapersists Thank you!
I like the Cheryl Messenger bag in the Red with envy fabric
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The Grace bag would be my choice. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
Google Friend Connect follower. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com
I would choose the Rachel Bag with the Diamond Delight fabric.
I "LIKE" PURSEnally Yours on Facebook,and Posted on their wall that Terri and Liz from Gathering My Roses sent me!
tderosa142 at gmail dot com
I Follow Gathering My Roses via Facebook Networked Blogs.
tderosa142 at gmail dot com
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tderosa142 at gmail dot com
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tderosa142 at gmail dot com
tderosa142 at gmail dot com
I Follow mysticraindrops on Twitter.(terri142)
tderosa142 at gmail dot com
I entered The Sak.
I follow via GFC.
I love the Olivia bag. For the colors, I like: Galaxy circles, Pretty in pink, and luscious lime.
I want Tess Bag ..Black Plastic Swirl handle...43 Rust Beaded Fringe...1 Bold Burgundy Suede fabric
Style of bag:The Tess Bag
colors: Exterior= 37 Wild Side
Interiro= 10 Pretty in Pink
macd9900 at gmail dot com
I'd pick the Lois purse in Glamorous and Golden stripe
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(as AdrianeCoros)
I would order the Messenger Bag in the Cotton Candy - thanks for the chance!
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Janice MacEachern Crespo
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Janice MacEachern Crespo
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Janice MacEachern Crespo
tess in whoo's there and brown
thecupcakecoalition at gmail dot com
liked pursenally yours on facebook!
thecupcakecoalition at gmail dot com
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thecupcakecoalition at gmail dot com
shared Gathering My Roses on Facebook
thecupcakecoalition at gmail dot com
fan of Gathering My Roses on Facebook
the cupcakecoalition at gmail dot com
I really like The Tess Bag
fabric: 2 Brown Bear Suede
I like PURSEnally Yours on FaceBook (louis huff) :)
Following publicly as Louis on Google Friends Connect
here is my tweet
following mysticraindrops on twitter at rosidentevil
I like Gathering Roses -- Journey to a Healthier Life on FaceBook (louis huff) :)
i would also choose the mae backpack - perfect for hauling my stuff over to the beach
ewhatley at embarqmail.com
Olivia in Bold Burgundy Suede, nice!
I follow on GFC
winnieayala at yahoo dot com
I'd pick the Tess bag in chocolate cotton and pink beauty fabrics!
winnieayala at yahoo dot com
I follow on twitter as JennyBolech
jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com
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jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com
I follow on GFC as Jenny Bolech
jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com
I like pursenally yours on facebook as Jenny Bolech
jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com
I think I’d like the Rachel bag in English garden – not sure what I’d accent it with though, maybe just black! I really like the greens and pinks!
jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com
I would choose The Rachael with exterior and handles in Midnight black Suede and interior in gone wild with two interior pockets.
I like the Tess purse
I would pick the Cheryl Messanger in YoYo yellow fabric with sunshine yellow liner
scarter305 at aol dot com
I'd pick Patsy in Jamestown Toile exterior, flap and strap and Jungle Red interior and pockets. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
On the prowl/bamboo handle
gfc follower
networked blog follower/Letessha Williams
like pursefully yours in fb/letesshaw
the grace bag in stylish stripe.
I like the Rachel and would love to have it in Sunshine Yellow.
Thank you!
kneecree at gmail dot com
This is the coolest idea I've heard yet!
Great way to express yourself. I'd pick Luscious Lime for exterior, for interior I'd have Zig Zag, for my straps, I'd pick Perfect Paisley, for the loop, I'd also pick Perfect Paisley. For the pockets, I'd choose the Luscious Lime.
Thanks so much for the contest! (:
I would use the Anna Purse and Jungle Red.
I like the Anna Purse with the Plaid and simple fabric and black as the accent.
I entered teh Delicate SOles giveaway
Olivia Purse in 129 Hoo's There fabric, XL
i would choose the Cheryl Messenger Bag with sunshine yellow and kimono class
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