Monday, May 1, 2017

Costa Farms Review

CONFESSION: I am a plant killer!

At least, I was a plant killer. Wandering Jew, Aloe, Ivy... KUDZU! You name it -- I made it die. At one point, I think the City of Atlanta was hoping to hire me to touch the Kudzu growing by the freeways -- a sure way to kill it off.  :(

Not anymore, I'm happy to tell you! Nope. You see, I discovered the magical world of Costa Farms of Miami, Florida. The plants supplied by Costa Farms are beautiful, hardy, and come, happily for me, with detailed directions for their care and feeding!

I haven't killed a single plant! GO ME!

A couple of months ago, I received some absolutely lovely plants for review. It was... poignant. You see, my beloved Nan was President of the Tybee Island Garden Club. Sadly, I never attended meetings with her or shared her love of flowers and plants.

I recall, though, one time I planted Impatiens under our old oak tree. She was just so tickled that I'd done that for her. She's gone now and the oak tree toppled...

Well, I love my plants now and I do my best to take care of them properly. They bring me no end of pleasure -- they make me smile. And that's what it's all about. I understand now, Nanie.

I received several plants and gave my Mom a couple for her apartment, my sister fell in love with the fern!

My favourites are the Anthurium and the Zamioculcas. They are both low-maintenance, air-purifiers. That's a HUGE factor for me as Mike continues to smoke those evil cigars occasionally.

Anthurium [Flamingo Flower, Pigtail Plant]

Plant Features:
Anthuriums are subtropical favorites with varieties growing in such diverse areas as South America and the Pacific. They are perfect as cut flowers or as potted plants in varying sizes. They are popular around Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and Easter. To get them to flower continuously, place in a filtered light location and fertlize during the growing season. The plant should be kept clean of all yellow or decaying leaves.

Zamioculcas [ZZ Plant]

Plant Features:
The Zamioculca, also known as the ZZ plant, is one of the strongest plants on the market. Frequently found in low-light locations such as malls, and any areas of the home or office where minimal light shines through, the ZZ is a true survivor.

The dedicated folks at Costa Farms would love to hear from you! Connect with them via their amazingly informative Newsletter and on their Social Media Pages: Facebook, @costafarms on Twitter, and YouTube.

Ideal indoor houseplants are of ‘heavy mettle’ – durable enough to withstand low light and irregular watering. The plants that fit this category seem to handle abuse fairly well, and can adapt to a variety of conditions. One characteristic that seems to be consistent is that these plants are slow or slower growers then other indoor tropicals.

Aglaonemas are durable, versatile tropical foliage plants that are very popular for use indoors and for interiorscape settings. The old standby varieties and newer hybrids come in shades of green with faint silver bands, dark green with cream colored bands or predominately silver with some green banding. Heights may range from one foot to three feet and these easy to maintain plants tolerate low light levels indoors and remain attractive for long periods with minimal care.

The ponytail palm is basically a ‘plant it and forget it’ kind of plant, providing it has enough light to thrive and somewhat steady water throughout the growing season. Because this is an arid plant by nature, periods of dryness are not deadly for an established plant. As with all palms, ponytail palms should never be top-trimmed, and they will respond wonderfully to a consistent feeding program in the growing season. Keep in mind, though, that the ponytail palm is an extremely slow-growing plant, so don't expect your desktop plant to transform into a corner unit in one or two growing seasons.

A tropical plant, sansevierias could be elected easiest of all houseplants. They like warmth and dry air; will accept a little sun or a lot; and are not even fussy about the amount of moisture in the soil. Called many nicknames by gardeners, including snake plant and mother-in-law’s tongue, Sansevierias are favored for its ability to grow in low-light situations. The durable snake plant will tolerate benign neglect in a wide range of temperatures.

The Zamioculcas zamiifolia, otherwise known as the ‘ZZ plant’, is a durable houseplant that requires next to nothing in care, thrives in almost all conditions and isn't bothered by pests and diseases. The ZZ plant, with its shiny foliage and stems, grows up to three feet tall. It needs shade, so it's perfect for dimly lit areas in the house. This easy-going plant doesn't require a special soil mix, and it can go for weeks--perhaps even months — without water, thanks to its big underground tuber where water is stored. It does best with occasional watering — about every other week or so.

I received an assortment of plants for the purpose of this review. I received no other compensation. The opinions expressed herein are my own and based on my own use of and experience with the items.

For More info on these hearty plants:  Epic Gardening


Michele said...

I love the Anigozanthos flavidus [Kanga Paw, Kangaroo Paw]and Adenium obesum [Desert Rose]
rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

Michele said...

I'd choose NY Yankees and Samuel Adams to personalize my buckets
rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

Michele said...

I follow you on Facebook
Michele Caldwell Lawrence
rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

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Michele said...

I follow Beer Bouquet on Twitter
rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

Michele said...

This would be for my husband for his birthday
rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

Michele said...

I like that their packaging is "100% Recyclable, Reusable, and Consumable"
rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

Anissa said...


sammie111 said...

I like the Chinese evergreenand the pineapple plant. I really liked the site and joined it.

clenna said...

I like the pigtail plant.

clenna at aol dot com

Barbara Montag said...

These are interesting - Norfolk Island Pine & the Bird's Nest Fern.
I love plants!
Thank you.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

ann said...

Desert Rose and the Aloe Vera are two I like
amhengst at verizon dot net

ann said...

I am a email subscriber
amhengst at verizon dot net

ann said...

I like sammi's blog of life on FB - amhengst
amhengst at verizon dot net

tamathamc said...

I am thinking that maybe I should get a ponytail palm & a zz plant as they are plants of steel.. tamatha hunter

New Jersey girl said...

love the amaryllis, barbados lily
gfc danaj
flyergal82 at (yahoo) /dot/ ^com&

SueZH said...

I love succulents, aralia and dahlia to start.

DEBIJOT said...

I like the Snake Plant because my grandmother had one for years. I also like the pineapple plant.

daniel thornton said...

I like the Sansevieria [Snake Plant],Adonidia merrillii [Adonidia Palm, Christmas Palm, Manila Palm], Ananas comosus [Nanas, Pina, Pineapple]


LauraJJ said...

Oh I would love the Aloe barbadensis Mill, Ravenea rivularis [Majesty Palm, and the Foliage Dish Garden!
landfjacobson @

Tracey said...

I like the Anthurium [Flamingo Flower, Pigtail Plant].

LMcLendon said...

My number one choice would be:
Aloe barbadensis Mill [Aloe Vera, Medicine Plant]. My second choice would be Dracaena sanderiana [Lucky Bamboo]. Last but not least, I would choose the: Pachira aquatica [Money Tree]. Boy, this was fun, now if I really could keep them alive!!!! That would be my next wist!! :)

Unknown said...

I think Ivy and other viny plants are interesting but i always kill them too. :(
fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com

emeraldmaz said...

I like Anthurium and denium obesum

Melissa said...

i like the money tree lol

nightowl said...

I found the Adenium obesum [Desert Rose] and the Acalypha wilkesiana [Copperleaf] interesting.

Selinda said...

I like the Alternanthera!


selinda_mccumbers at

Start To Finish Supplies said...

I like the Dracaena sanderiana.

katie at coverbutton dot net

MamaStace said...

I love the Gazania ringens [Gazania Daisy, Treasure Flower] and the Nemesia fruticans [Nemesia]. both very pretty.


Kristen said...

I like the Aralia and the Asparagus Fern.

Unknown said...

I like the Pentas Lanceolata [Pentas, Star Flower, Star Cluster].

Diane said...

I love the Bacopa

Julie said...

I like the Anthurium plants : flamingo Flower, Pigtail Plant.

slehan said...

Dracaena sanderiana is not a bamboo but I'd like one.
Thanks for the contest.

Kim Reid said...

I love the Orchids and the Lucky Bamboo!
Thank you :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

ltlbitone said...

I like the Dracaena sanderiana [Lucky Bamboo]

ltlbit1 at hotmail dot com

pmj said...

I like the lucky bamboo and the norfolk island pine.

pjames330 at aol dot com

wendy wallach said...

The Senetti Pericallis series are beautiful and I also like the desert rose

madamerkf at aol dot com

Stacy said...

I love the Canna [Canna Lily] Spathiphyllum [Peace Lily]

the imagine tree at aol dot com

Jblanton said...

I like the lucky bamboo and the money plant

Angela Livingston said...

I think the Dracaena sanderiana [Lucky Bamboo] is gorgeous~ I also love the Dracaena sanderiana [Lucky Bamboo] I'm a sucker for Asian plants.

angevege said...

I like the Tradewinds Hibiscus and Aloe Vera.

eclairre said...

I found the Adenium obesum [Desert Rose] and the Acalypha wilkesiana [Copperleaf] great

april brooks said...

I like the looks of these:
Chamaedorea cataractarum
Hedera helix
Brassaia actinophylla

Thanks so much for all of the hard work that goes into your blog!

Karen F said...

I like the lucky bamboo and the cat's whiskers