Thursday, October 11, 2012

CHEATERS: Never win

If any of my fellow bloggers would like the fake names / emails of the cheater -- please feel free to email me.

I will be MORE than happy to give you the fake names / emails and the IP number.

Terri :)


Sandra VanHoey said...

I hope they all ask for them so they know and can disqualify anyone that cheats.
Sandy VanHoey

ginette4 said...

Amen to that, we as followers also put in time to enter contest that are won by cheaters and it's so not fair and all the tremendous hours that bloggers dedicate to doing a giveaway!!

Wanda McHenry said...

Who ever is cheating must be stupid, don't they know there are IP addresses for your internet connection? ROFL!

This is your second post regarding this problem and I would of hoped that the cheater would get the message.

tannawings said...

As one who enters a lot of contests and supports bloggers by commenting, reading and voting I hope you all have a database for these IPs and names. We all can make a mistake on a form, but I have seen cheaters win and all I can say is it makes me ill.
Thank you for catching them- I am tweeting and FBing this post- I hope the word gets out.

Anonymous said...

I'm always so afraid I'm going to end up on one of these lists because I forget to do a task! I know every once in awhile, I'll forget to comment on the blog when doing a rafflecopter giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'm always afraid I'll end up on one of these lists for forgetting to do a task! I know I sometimes forget to comment on the blog when doing a rafflecopter giveaway!