
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Off the Edge of the Map by Michael Rank - A Book Review

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

I love to read.  My Nanie began reading to me as soon as I was born and began teaching me to read before I was two years old. The first book I really remember 'reading' was Twas the Night Before Christmas. I think I must've memorized most of it.

I still love to read. Histories and biographies are my favourite subjects to read and study. When asked to read and review a new non-fiction book by author Michael Rank, I was excited. He's a great young writer!

Off The Edge of the Map is a book about explorers, travelers, adventurers: Those who pushed the boundaries of the known world.

The book opens with the tale of Rabban Bar Sauma (1220-1294), a Chinese Nestorian monk, then takes us across the ages with the likes of Herman Cortes, Captain Cook, Sir Henry Stanley, and Neil Armstrong.  

These are the brief, but concise stories of brave men who took up, not a road less traveled, but a road never traveled.  Their fears and failures did not defeat them in their quests.  They persevered and  moved forward, making progress and making history.

Michael Rank presents these explorers in very respectful, historically-factual terms.  He doesn't offer undue praise or find fault with their methods.  He simply presents the reader with a personal, humorous, and often-reverent view of the adventurers.  His style is open and easy to read.

As an Historian, I loved the book.  I loved the flow of time as presented by the author as each explorer is studied in chronological order.  It's easy to see how the successes (and failures) of one courageous man helped to shape and define the explorations of the next.

Mike, Review Daddy, is a Registered Land Surveyor. He, too, loved the book (he read it first). Mike sees these explores in a much different light than I do.  He sees them as Surveyors! I suppose, in many ways, he's right. Surveyors find and explore boundaries... as did these fine men.

Their explorations and discoveries helped to shape their world and continue to shape the world we know today.  Their courage and bravery against obstacles and foes still define us.  Their footsteps allow us to make our own: Here on Earth and now, into the Heavens.

You may connect with the author on his Social Media Pages:
FacebookGoogle+, and @michaelrank5mc on Twitter.

You may purchase Off the Edge of the Map on -- it is available in paperback. ARV: $8.09  

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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