Monday, January 12, 2015

#RealisticResolution with Gorton's and Spark People! Review and Giveaway!

DISCLOSURE: I received a prize package as compensation for this review. However, ALL opinions expressed herein are my own and based on my own use of and experience with the items.

Gorton's Blogger Giveaway

The New Year always brings about a yearning for change and improvement. It's time to make those resolutions: Lost 100 pounds... give up snacks and sodas... stop drinking / smoking / having fun.

You get the drift.

How long do most resolutions last? Less than 72 hours. Yep... less than three days. Why? Because most of us set ourselves up for failure by setting goals too high to reach. 

Not this year. 2015 is the THE year for the #RealisticResolution!

What are Realistic Resolutions? They are a set of small, attainable goals that can be reached in a timely fashion.

Gorton's Seafood has teamed with Spark People to create a series of tips, suggestions, workouts, and recipes to help you make those resolutions a reality!

Gorton's Seafood  has so many delicious varieties of fish available: Tilapia, Haddock, Alaskan Pollock, Salmon, Flounder, Shrimp, and Clams! And we ALL know that fish is an extremely healthy, diet-friendly, food.  Did you know that Gorton's offers eleven (11) gluten-free items? ALL of their grilled products are GF! None of their products contain MSG!

Tilapia is my favourite and this is a great recipe!

Gorton's has offered my readers a coupon to try one of their amazing fish dishes -- just click here!

You may also enter the Gorton’s Eat Smarter Sweepstakes for a chance to win fabulous prizes!

I encourage you to join me at Spark People (it's FREE to join!) and make your New Year's
Realistic Resolutions!

Together, we can lose weight and improve our health! I've lost 43 pounds and still going strong!

As an incentive, Gorton's and Spark People have offered my readers a chance to win a fabulous prize pack: 2 full-value product coupons, an insulated tote, the SparkPeople Cookbook, the Spark book and the SparkPeople Boot Camp DVD.

This is the same package that I received! How cool is that?  

You may connect with Gorton's on their social media pages:
Gorton's Seafood on Facebook,  @gortonsseafood on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

To enter for a chance to win this prize pack, just fill out the entry form below. The more entries you make, the more chances you have!

 ***Open to USA only, please. No PO Boxes. All entries are verified. Contest ends on Saturday, January 17th, 2015. ***

DISCLOSURE: I received a prize package as compensation for this review. However, ALL opinions expressed herein are my own and based on my own use of and experience with the items.


Dani said...

I'm keeping fit, and adding strength training to my routine.

Dani said...

I plan to keep increasing my fitness by strength training.

Barbara Montag said...

My #RealisticResolutions for 2015 is to keep our kitchen table free of clutter.
thank you

Hotsnotty2 said...

I hope to lose 15 lbs and limit my caffeine intake!

luckynordberg said...

My #realisticresolution is to drink more water and move more.

EliB123 said...

My #RealisticResolutions is to exercise everyday

amp said...

My resolution is about ridding my life of clutter and the unnecessary.

apoalillo (AT) hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

My #RealisticResolutions for 2015 is to become more fit.

skkorman said...

My resolution is to quit drinking coffee!

bbrittbrat1398 said...

My #RealisticResolution is to save more money this year and build my credit.
Brittney House

Unknown said...

My resolution is just to continue on with my weightloss journey -- I started last year and have had some great success! Thanks for the chance!

lovelymintpearls at gmail dot com

kelly tupick said...

My New Year's Resolution is to get fit and get back into hiking. I would love to join my friends this summer in a hike up Mt. Washington.

clc408 said...

I want to be consistent with my daily walking this year.

sparkedcat said...

My resolution for 2015 is to exercise more often.

Unknown said...

Mine is to be more available and more involved with my family and friends.

Melissa Shirley said...

My #RealisticResolutions for 2015 is to eat healthier and make hatheir foods buy cooking more at home and not eating fast foods or getting processed foods.

calvad said...

My #RealisticResolutions for 2015 is to increase the number of days per week I go to the gym.

JordynTaylor777 said...

Drink more fruit infused water.

Marti Tabora said...

My resolution is to add more fruits and vegetables to my diet and a lot less sugar and processed foods.

abfantom said...

My #RealisticResolutions is to volunteer more of my time at my daughter's school and our church because I want to give something back to my community.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Tracey said...

I'm cutting sugar and caffeine from my diet.

susan1215 said...

My #RealisticResolutions for 2015 is to lose 25 pounds.

mecarolks said...

To organize the kitchen.

janetfaye said...

My #RealisticResolutions for 2015 is to stop drinking soda and drink water instead.

1froglegs said...

My primary resolution is to no longer eat fast food or any other restaurant food.

kellyr78 said...

One of my #RealisticResolutions is to get outside and walk every day.

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I am just starting a new exercise program.

Lauren said...

I would like to drink more water.

rajee said...

keep my kitchen organised

llinda29 said...

I will lose weight

wigget said...

to lose weight

burgerlady said...

My #RealisticResolution for 2015 is to quit sweating the small stuff.

The (Recovering) Shrinking Texas Woman said...

Mine was to enjoy life more.

Linda said...

I plan to exercise more, like walking every day.

cyndi br said...

trying to add more fruit and veggies and smaller portions

Giant Sis said...

Other than to keep off the 40 pounds I lost since August, I am going to mail a friend or family member an actual card/letter once a month - not counting birthdays!
~Liz N

kymom13 said...

Even before I heard o this giveaway, I decided my family and I needed to start eating fish/seafood. So my #realisticresolution is to eat fish once per week.

Unknown said...

My #RealisticResolutions is to lose a few pounds.

mogrill said...

I am trying to lose some weight and save some money.

Unknown said...

I plan to drink 64 oz of water per day!

Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

Natalie said...

My #RealisticResolutions for 2015 is to finally run a marathon

Unknown said...

To try to start making healthier choices in my everyday life.

kyl neusch said...

to exercise more

Marilyn said...

My resolution is to lose the 10 pounds that I gained by keeping my 2014 resolution to quit smoking.

Kim Reid said...

My #RealisticResolution for 2015 is to eat healthier and exercise more, thanks!

kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Anita Duvall said...

I am going to make it a point to eat more fish and lean poultry. Also more fruits and vegetables this year.

Maryann D. said...

My #RealisticResolutions for 2015 is to sleep better, think more positive and try to have less stress.
twinkle at optonline dot net

Selinda said...

My resolution is to be more organized!

Holly said...

My resolution is to get fit for my fall wedding.

Unknown said...

My resolution is to lose 15 pounds.

Unknown said...

my new year's resolution is to loose atleast 1 lb a month

Uphill Homestead said...

I vow to read my Bible daily.

SharonC said...

I am resolved to lose weight and improve my fitness and health.

Tracy R said...

My #RealisticResolution is to eat a little better and exercise a little more.

bluebird23 said...

To get off the baby weight! Gah! :)

krystal wethington said...

Getting more organized #RealisticResolutions

Charlene S. said...

My #RealisticResolution is to lower my sugar intake & choose healthier food options :)

jodi said...

mine was to quit smoking. I am now on day 4

brendaelsner said...

My resolution is to quit smoking and lose 10 lbs. this year!!

Wendy ArtsyChaos said...

My goal for the year is to just be more productive.

connie said...

eat healthier and exercise more

tina reynolds said...

Mine is to give up soda and drink water instead

shirley said...

My #RealisticResolutions for 2015 is to eat better, ok so far.

PattESL said...

My resolution is to eat less sugar and sweets.

Nancy said...

My #RealisticResolution is to eat more vegetables and drink more water daily.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

KrazeKatLady said...

I am trying to eat less sugar.

jtwark said...

My #RealisticResolutions are to donate to my animal shelter


Anonymous said...

My #RealisticResolutions for 2015 is to drink much more water daily and to cut out alot of the beverages I am currently consuming.

Lisa V. said...

Mine is to get backpacking ready for my trip starting in June.

Kathy P said...

My #RealisticResolutions for 2015 is to exercise daily

Unknown said...

My #RealisticResolutions is to try and be more frugal this year.

Lisa said...

My #RealisticResolutions is to consume less sugar!

saturdaynightfever said...

I shall date a rugby player!

Angela Saver said...

My resolution is to lose another 25 pounds for a total of 130 pounds!



kelley roach said...

My resolution for 2015 is to exercise more often.

Hammer said...

To lose a few pounds

Lisa Garner said...

My realistic resolution is to cut back on the amount of soda I drink.

Unknown said...

I would like to read one book a month,

slehan said...

My #RealisticResolution is to swim 3 times a week.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com

Unknown said...

My #RealisticResolutions for 2015 is to not procrastinate on everyday tasks. Just do it when I think about it.

jandsfox_143 said...

Get toned and fit.

corey1971 said...

My resolution is to spend more time with my kids.

toastersareflying said...

My main one is to potty train my son. If I manage that, I'll start working on exercising at least 3 times a week for 30 min.

Betty C said...

My #RealisticResolutions for 2015 is to work harder at becoming debt free.

Unknown said...

My realistic resolution is to get my chronic pain under better control this year by attending pain management classes and using various other resources to do so.

Unknown said...

I am trying to eat healthy and loss some belly fat.

MELINA said...

My relastic resolution is to cut down on the amount of soda I drink.

Bebe said...

My resolution is to grow more of my own vegetables this year and to eat more healthily!

Unknown said...

relaxing more and eating better

Unknown said...

to drink more water every day

Candie L said...

My realistic resolution is to stand my ground. Thank you


Missy said...

My #RealisticResolutions for 2015 is to become more fit.

Anonymous said...

I don't have any #RealisticResolutions for 2015 yet.

Unknown said...

My realistic resolution is to lose 60 pounds, I did it in 2014 so I know I can in 2015 as well.

Unknown said...

I lost 48 lbs in 2014 and 10 more to go. My #RealisticResolution for 2015 is to make my goal!

non_amos said...

The usual lose weight & increase strength but in my case it's imperative due to the arthritis I'm now fighting.

Elena said...

My resolution is to exercise daily

Karen said...

I am going to finish my degree :)

Karen F said...

My #RealisticResolutions is to enjoy more time outside.

toddy said...

mine is to eat healthier

susansmoaks said...

this year i am working on being fit that is my #RealisticResolutions for 2015

Charlene Kuser said...

I hope to lose 15 pounds and walk more
every week.

Unknown said...

my #RealisticResolutions for 2015! would be 2 loose weight:)


I don't make New Year's resolutions.

firstinlinetobuyyourbook said...

read more!

Nora said...

drink more water daily

Unknown said...

#RealisticResolutions I'm going to plan my meals in advance to avoid tempting "bad for you" foods!

Buddy Garrett said...

My #realistic resolution is to get enough sleep every night.

Shea =) said...

less junk food, no fast food and less sodas =)

smeltzeramy said...

Lose weight, eat healthier

Sand said...

My #RealisticResolutions are to move more and eat less.