
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Daylight Saving Time -- Get ready with these great tips!

Daylight Saving Time begins at 2:00 a.m. Sunday, March 8, 2015.  Are you ready?

Not me. I am never really ready for DST. Why? I'm a night person. I do my best when the sun is down and it's cool outside. It takes me weeks (months) to become accustomed to the time change. That is, IF I ever adjust to it.

However, this year is different. This year, I learned some great hints and tips for adjusting to the time change.

There are some things that you can do to prepare for and adjust to the change and the fine folks at
Sleep Number have some great tips to share!

*** 15 more minutes:
According to new national sleep survey from Sleep Number, over half (54 percent) of the respondents don’t feel they are getting enough sleep to be at their best. And when we lose an hour of sleep due to DST beginning, that sleep loss is even more evident. To make the time adjustment easier, don’t boil the ocean; start going to bed 15 minutes earlier than the night before… do this for 3-4 days.

ME:  Mike and I do this every year. First of March, we make sure we're in bed by 10:30. As soon as the News is off, the lights go off along with the TV.

*** Live in the future:
On Saturday, live your life as if it's already an hour ahead. For example, drink your last cup of coffee at 11 am (because that is really noon). Since caffeine has an approximate half-life of 6 hours, you don’t want to consumer caffeine after noon as it may impede your sleep.

ME: I'm lucky in that I switched us to decaf coffee and tea. Just make sure you realize that colas and teas contain caffeine as well. Be very careful of the energy drinks!

*** Put down the screens:
Survey results indicate that people who use devices in bed are more likely to feel they don’t get enough sleep (51 percent). Always make a screen-free zone about an hour before bedtime, which gives the eyes and mind time to relax before getting shut-eye (and allows the sleep hormone melatonin to trigger sleepiness). People in the Western region of the U.S. are the biggest tech-in-bed offenders, with 66 percent of respondents bringing devices to bed.

ME: This one is a bit tough, isn't it? I try to turn the computer off by 10:00 p.m. We don't allow the laptop / phone in bed as that is a major distraction. Not to mention the headaches that may come with the eye strain -- another sleep issue.

*** Monitor sleep to improve it:
Fifty-eight percent of people wish they knew more about how to improve the quality of their sleep, yet only 16 percent actually monitor their sleep (versus 41 percent who track exercise and 43 percent who track diet). And, women are more likely to focus on improving their sleep compared to men. Sleep Number’s SleepIQ technology offers a simple solution to those who want to know better sleep.    

ME: I suffered with chronic insomnia for years. My doctor recommended that I start tracking my sleep hours and I've been doing that for about 5 years. Not only have a begun to go to sleep naturally, I find that a good night's rest has greatly improved other areas in my life.

Daylight Saving Time may be difficult for many. But follow these great tips from Sleep Number and your adjustment to more light each day will be so much easier!

I am working with Sleep Number to spread the word about DST and adjusting to it. I will receive compensation for this post. Nonetheless, the opinions expressed herein are my own and based on my own experience.


  1. I like that DST brings us more light during the day.

  2. I'm with you on this I hate it, dread it and would love to be awake when everyone is sleeping always. I'm glad your finding ways to help yourself though :)
