
Friday, August 21, 2015

Back to School with Campus Book Rentals!

Are you in school? Or perhaps your spouse or kids? If so, then you know that textbooks are expensive. Very Expensive. We've all faced the issue of trying to re-sell those textbooks.  A lot of campus bookstores won't give you back even ten percent of your purchase price.  As to other students, you have to pray that the class will use the same book.

Several years ago, when our youngest daughter was first enrolled at GSU, we rented several books from Campus Book Rentals.  We found one of her Accounting books and two History books. We saved a lot of money that we used for other necessities.

I have recently discovered that it isn't just the college student that has to buy school books. Oh no.  Some schools require the students to purchase a portion, if not all, of the books needed for class.

That's where Campus Book Rentals comes in. Campus Book Rentals will rent books to you at a low price for as long as you need it! When you're finished, just return it No shipping charges. It's that easy!

Campus Book Rentals has a very flexible rental plan and rents for 40 to 90% of the cost of buying the book! It's a great deal for parents and students.  It also takes away the stress involved with the change of classes each semester. 

One of my friends showed me her daughter's reading list. Long and impressive, it was.  One of the books she needs is Harold Nicolson's The Congress of Vienna. Brand new this book retails for well over $50. I found it at Campus Book Rentals for less than $40.


You all know how important it is for me to promote companies that I believe in -- companies that give back to the global community.  Campus Book Rentals does just that:

Campus Book Rentals is working in co-operation with Operation Smile, an awesome organization that performs life changing cleft palette surgeries on children whose families could not otherwise afford it. The long-term improvement in qualify of life for the children that receive these surgeries is almost incomprehensible.

Campus Book Rentals is contributing to Operation Smile in two ways: First, they have made the minimum commitment to 80 Surgeries. And second, through RentBack, they provide students the opportunity to direct any portion of their earnings to Operation Smile directly from their RentBack account.

RentBack is a program that puts money into student's pockets. Campus Book Rentals has provided the tools to allow students to contribute directly through this powerful program.  Campus Book Rentals is determined to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.

I've had great experiences with Campus Book Rentals and I know that you will, too.

You can connect with Campus Book Rentals on their website and social media pages: 
FacebookGoogle+, and @textbookrentals on Twitter.

I was compensated monetarily for this post, however, all opinions are based on my own experience with the company.

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