
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Brooklyn Bean Roastery #BackToSchool Breakfast Blend Giveaway, ends 9/25/15 #BBRHB

Wake up time!  Off to school we go! It's that time of year once again.  Feet are draggin' and sleepyheads are asking for just 5 more minutes.

I've had the hardest time with my youngest -- she is the grumpiest child in the morning -- I don't think her eyes open until noon on some days.

September is the month of schedule changes, car pools, extracurricular activities, early buses, and late classes.

It begs the question:

What is your sure fire way of waking up the kids and getting out the door on time?

I had the best method ever:  My youngest was (like her Mom) a coffee fiend.  I just held a steaming cuppa under her sweet, upturned nose... and lured her out of bed with the promise of caffeine bliss.  :)

Oh, I do we'd had Brooklyn Beans Roastery back then! 

Ah, but we have it now! It's our go-to wake up call every morning now!

The great folks at Brooklyn Bean Roastery are offering one of my readers the chance to win a 24 ct. box of Breakfast Blend Coffee that includes Boardwalk Blend, Breakfast Blend, Breakfast Blend Decaf, and Brooklyn Bridge Blend.  This will get you up and off every morning!

Using the Entry Form below, tell us What is your sure fire way of waking up the kids and getting out the door on time?

Open to USA, 18+, No PO Boxes, please. Giveaway ends 9/25/15. All entries are verified.

I am a member of the Brooklyn Bean Roastery Honorary Brooklynites.  I receive free coffee samples for the purpose of review. I receive no monetary compensation.


  1. Have them keep their book bags and shoes by the front door and clothing picked out as to what they are going to wear

  2. My kids get themselves up and out the door.

  3. I make sure my kids are out the door on time by preparing the night before! Homework is done, snacks/lunches packed, water bottle filled, clothes laid out etc. It's working well so far!

  4. I can honestly say I never discovered a surefire way! I knew someone who said when her kids refused to get dressed one morning, she took them to school in their pajamas. She never had a problem after that.

  5. One way I get the kids up and out the door on time is to plan ahead the night before and do as much as possible so the next morning isn't chaotic. Organizing is another helpful factor. Also, its easier to get the kids up if Breakfast is made - it doesn't hurt to make their favorites. Between all these things it definitely makes life a little smoother in the morning.

  6. Getting to bed on time is the key if they stay up to late it is a big struggle. thankyou, ken

  7. My sure fire way of waking up and getting out the door on time is a very loud alarm clock.

  8. Preparing the night before and getting a good night's sleep is key.

  9. We wake up early, prep clothes and lunch the night before. We also have a hot breakfast!

  10. We always have everything packed and ready the night before. They just have to have breakfast and grab the lunch out of the refrigerator and we are ready to start the day.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  11. Sure fire way to get kids up and out the door is to go to bed early, lay clothes and supplies out night before and serve a great breakfast including a drink before they leave.

  12. Once they get up and have some juice and pancakes they are ready to go for the day!

  13. I have to make sure that my kids are standing up and out of bed before I start breakfast or they will fall back asleep.

  14. My sure fire way of waking up the kids and getting out the door on time is to have everything ready the night before.

  15. To get out the door on time, I always have to tell everyone that we are leaving 1/2 hour before our real time to leave. It also helps to have clothes set out the night before.

  16. my surefire way is to prepare everything the night before and also coffee!

  17. We can't function if our clothes and book bags aren't put together the night before. Also, if I'm giving them breakfast I have to have it planned out and as ready to go as possible the night before.

  18. The best way to get my son up and out the door is to make sure he gets a good night sleep and has his clothes are picked out the night before.

  19. My sure fire way is COFFEE for me. We homeschool so there is no morning rush for us.

  20. Develop a schedule for the morning routine. Write down tasks: dressing kids, making breakfast, brushing kids' hair…etc. You can't accomplish all this yourself. The kids need to take on some responsibility. They should put on their clothes and brush their teeth without help.Start holding dress rehearsals over the summer. Post a copy of the schedule on the refrigerator.

  21. Well, my kids are all grown but I would say being organized the night before is the best way to make sure everyone gets off to school in a timely manner.

  22. I get as much possible ready the night before. Then I set my clock is on my dresser, which I have to get up out of bed to shut off. Shower, coffee, more coffee, than wake the kids.

  23. My sure fire way to get my daughter out of the house on time is to threaten to take all electronics away if she misses the bus.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  24. Getting as organized as possible the night before by having the lunches made and the clothes laid out.

  25. It's a good idea to prepare as much as possible the night before to make the morning go smoothly.

  26. I find that as long as I prepare lunches and outfits the night before and wake up with enough time to enjoy a cup of coffee its easy for me to remain patient in the morning and get things done.

  27. “What is your sure fire way of waking up the kids and getting out the door on time?” I don't have any kids but for me I get everything ready the night before so I don't have to think in the morning.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  28. entered:

  29. It been a long time Since I've done that... I guess I would have to be as organized as possible.

  30. We manage to do it because everyone has their own alarm clock.

  31. We HAVE to know where shoes are the night before. If we don't, there is no way we are getting out the door on time. It is insane. Lol

  32. Prepping the night before and everybody going to be on time!
    A good nights sleep is a HUGE help! It makes me a happy, energetic morning person which is vital in getting out the door on time!
    addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
    Ashley C

  33. I wake them up with lots of time to spare so they can get ready and sit for a while. They are not good with running right out the door.

  34. We have meals and clothes done up the night before.

  35. We go to bed early so they get plenty of sleep

  36. By waking them up a little bit earlier so there is extra time to get ready.

  37. Just being prepared the night before, have everything ready to go!

  38. My son is off at college but I wake my husband up every morning and get him out the door with Brooklyn Bean Roasters coffee and his lunch!

  39. i try to rap in the mornings to songs they like and they get annoyed and just get up and go lol

  40. I always double check and make sure the alarm is set, clothes are laid out and coffee is ready to go.

  41. We get things ready the night before - clothes laid out, backpacks by the door, table set for breakfast.

  42. we use a very loud dinosaur alarm clock that everyone can hear! works every morning. Amy (Guillaume) Linderman

  43. I tell them if they get up now there's a snack in it for them. Almost always works. They eat breakfast at school.

  44. I get up earlier turn on a few lights, make coffee and turn on the radio and let the kids wake up slowly.

  45. i have to yell at mine to get them up and out the door on time and still have one that wants to sleep tell right when the bus puts up hard headed teens

  46. I did enter Spark People Total Body Sculpting DVD giveaway.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  47. A sure fire waking of waking them up is telling them they have 5 minutes to get up before the bus comes, gets them up every time

  48. They will get up if I squirt whipped cream on their hot chocolate, banana, french toast or waffle.

  49. Getting a good nights rest and turning all the lights on in the morning!

  50. My sure fire way to get my daughter out of the house on time is to get everything ready to go the night before.

  51. They always leap out of bed if I make chocolate chip muffins for breakfast.

  52. In bed on time, I make sure all alarms are set and then I set my own alarm to make sure everyone is up on time. I have a quick breakfast schedule planned also.

  53. I make sure my kids are always in bed on time and I get them up in plenty of time to get ready for school.

  54. I never had a problem with my daughter waking up, so I didn't need tricks.

  55. Yelling loudly can get my kids moving in the morning.

  56. We make sure to set our alarms and wake each other up if someone sleeps through their alarm.

  57. Atomic alarm clock and having everything ready and by the door the night before.

  58. We do as much as possible the night before and it helps a lot!

  59. Now that my boys are teens I just brew coffee, they come running!

  60. I get as much done the night before

  61. I try and get as much done the night before

  62. The only way to be sure to be on time, is to have everything ready before you go to bed.

  63. MY sure fire way of waking up the kids and getting out the door on time is to put an annoyingalarm across the bed, so they have to get up to turn it off


  64. Getting my girls to bed on time and laying out the clothes the night before really helps get them motivated. Coffee is my only motivation LOL

  65. Routines are great ways to make sure we are out the door on time

  66. My sure fire way of waking up the kids and getting out the door on time is have as much as possible prepared the night before & have a good smelling breakfast awaiting them in the morning--the aroma gets them going.

  67. We prep the night before. Lay out clothes, get lunches packed and breakfasts ready.

  68. For me, it is a matter of consistency. My daughter's curfew is reasonable on the weekends but not too late and I do not let her sleep in much. It is not so much a jolt on the system when she does have to wake up early.
    And I make sure I am awake and ready to handle any sleepy arguments.

  69. I entered the giveaway:

  70. I get everything that I can get ready the night before. It's so much easier that way. I always try to get up first and get myself ready and then I can concentrate on getting the baby ready to go. We are always on time that way!

  71. LOL After getting my kids grown and out the door I can honestly say that I never did find a fast surefire way to get them movitated and off to school with enthusiasm.

  72. I entered the /win-measurable-difference-eye-shadow giveaway
