Saturday, October 17, 2015

Medisafe Medication Reminder APP Review #mHealth #spon

I received compensation for this promotion in association with Mom Spark Media. All opinions expressed herein are my own and based on my own use of and experience with the item(s).
I never thought much about my Mom getting older until she had health issues and began taking several medications.  I REALLY never thought about ME getting older until *I* had health issues and began taking medications.

That was tough.  What has been tougher is not only remembering to take my meds, but reminding my Mother to take hers!

In fact, we have both forgotten to take medications several times.  Mornings are my problem -- I simply get busy and don't think about it until after lunch on some days.

Not anymore!

I was recently introduced to a wonderful new APP from Medisafe.  It's a medication reminder that sends notifications to your iOS or Android Smart Phone. 

It's amazingly easy to download and install.  Using it is even easier!  I am very excited for the many features: Reminder, dosage, shape and colour of the medication.  Refill reminders, Physician information, and more.

You can list every medication with individual times of day.  That's a blessing for those of us who take certain meds at odd times of the day.

You can also send your info to a family member or trusted friend and they receive a notification if you forget to take your meds.  They may then call and remind you! Brilliant!

Visit the Medisafe Website for further information and for details about the story behind the APP's development.

If you'd like to check out a Medisafe user's personal story, you can read about David Julian in this  LA Times article.  There is another great user story from the Medisafe Blog: Grace Hayes.

  • An all-encompassing app: Medisafe is the leading app to help you stay on top of all your medications. Way more than a pill organizer (although it’s that, too), Medisafe makes it easy to adhere to the most complicated medication schedule, so wondering, “Did I take this already?” is a thing of the past. But that’s just the beginning. Medisafe connects you to your family (and soon, your doctors) for support, encouragement and expertise. It learns about your unique situation, so it can deliver custom notifications for appointments and refills, medication updates, personalized health recommendations and discounts to help you stay in control, informed and on budget. And it correlates your progress with measurements like blood pressure and glucose levels to show the direct health benefit of taking your meds as prescribed.
  • Leader in the market: Medisafe brings peace of mind to the 2 million people who use it – as well as the people who care about them.
  • The family story behind Medisafe: The two co-founder brothers decided to create Medisafe to help their diabetic father manage his health and medications better. Their mission is to make Medisafe the app that helps you stay on top of your health and medications and be our health companion. 

You may connect with Medisafe on Facebook and  @medisafeapp on Twitter. 

DISCLOSURE:  I  received compensation for this promotion in association with Mom Spark Media. All opinions expressed herein are my own and based on my own use of and experience with the item(s).   #iOS  #Android  #mHealth  #AD  #spon  

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