Saturday, January 16, 2016

#BBRHB Brooklyn Bean Roastery Hot Cocoa Giveaway! Ends 1/26/16

The New Year is Here! 2016 -- can you believe it?

These are the days of renewals, rejuvenation, and resolutions! 

Here's my question for you:

After the holidays, how do you start a fresh routine and get yourself moving through all the exhaustion?

The winner will receive a 40 count box of Brooklyn Bean Roastery Hot Cocoa Variety Pack!

To enter just follow the instructions below!  Giveaway ends at 11:59 p.m. on January 26, 2016.

Open to 18+, USA only please. All entries are verified.

PLEASE NOTE: We've had a couple of winners who lost the prize because I could not find ANY way to contact them. I MUST have an email (one that you check often) or some other way to contact you.  If you do not contact me within 72 hours of winning, your prize be awarded to another entrant.

I ALWAYS send a second notification if there is no response to the first email after 24 hours.


DISCLOSURE:  I receive complimentary products as part of the Honourary Brooklynites.  All opinions remain my own. #BBRHB


Meghan said...

I start a new routine of getting up early to have some "me" time. It really helps clear my head for the day!

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

After the holidays I try to get active and involve the family, soccer all together and badminton with hubby on Sundays.

MandaBear said...

I make a list keep focused on what I need to do and drink a pot of coffee that always works for me.

Cheryl said...

I start a fresh routine and get myself moving through all the exhaustion with focus and organization.

Angela Saver said...

After the holidays I start a fresh routine by making sure I'm well-rested, & I make a list of the goals I want to accomplish, as well as make a to-do list to get on track!

kymom13 said...

After the exhaustion after the holidays, I make sure I get plenty of rest, stay hydrated and take my vitamins daily so I don't get sick. I tend to get rundown and my immune system follows it!

It's Me De said...

I start my New Year as a new start at life, and by living by that, I get motivation.

Unknown said...

I don't really do anything different. I keep to my normal schedule after the new year.

ken ohl said...

try to keep on things daily don't let anything pile up. thankyou, ken

Lauren said...

I clean out all the holiday stuff and try to declutter.

patty wright said...

I didn't have any money for the holidays. I bought my son one present for Christmas

Maryann D. said...

I like to think of the New Year as a new start. I set plans and goals for myself after the holidays and try to follow through with them.
twinkle at optonline dot net

GypsyBecky said...

I clean up well after the holidays...and spend time with the family. Gives me a good rest to be ready to go.

Barb said...

Take it slowly 1 day at a time. Have a relaxed breakfast, eat healthier, take time for yourself.

Julie Lynn Bickham said...

I just start the year with a fresh set of goals and start little by little. Also making healthier food choices after all that yummy holiday food!

mandala said...

I start by cleaning a portion of our house at a time then at the end of the day, I engage in self-care - nice bath and a glass of wine to unwind.

marcia goss said...

After indulging in too many sweets over the holidays, I'm buying more fresh fruits and vegetables, planning healthier meals, and going for more walks.

Michele said...

I can't say that I have a routine. Some days the only thing that keeps me going is needing to take care of my animals.

mommyjen99 said...

Start by cleaning the house room by room. Working on purging what isn't needed. Simplicity makes life easier for me.

freddie said...

My routine is to get up first thing in the morning and make my coffee and visit with my grandchildren before they are off for school. I really haven't changed anything and I really like the way we do things and always will.

Mom Knows Best said...

I organize things like my pantry.

Unknown said...

I take a week off from doctor appointments and other commitments and just relax with my family. Then I start adding things back in a bit at a time.

Karen said...

I am trying very hard to get into walking my treadmill for 30 minutes every week day. So far, I have been pretty good at it, but last week I got a bad cold and couldn't complete it. This week, I am trying harder to do what I told myself I really need to do every week day.

A.S. said...

Purge the closets and take giant bags of donations to Goodwill

Janet said...

After the holidays, I meet visit the doctor. Actually, both my husband and I went yesterday. It's a good thing! I also, work out and drink water.

Anne3979 said...

I keep my energy going with lots and lots of caffeine!!! We also start the New Year by cleaning closets/toy boxes and donating what we can.

Snowpuff said...

In our frozen, cold MN winters, after New Years I unwind by cleaning closets, organizing, refreshing my house in every way. It is a new start for each new year, and I love taking care of my home! :)

Audrey L

Unknown said...

I drink water with lemon in the morning and go back to my regular routine of working out 3 days a week.

Unknown said...

I get back in my routine of exercising and working. I also try to eat healthier than I did during the holidays

Unknown said...

I don't make resolutions but I do make a list of achievable things for myself to accomplish in the coming year - mostly small things but things I want to do to better my life. said...

I started a walking program in the early mornings to get some exercise and some me time.

Julia Baxter said...

After the holidays, I try to go to bed thirty minutes early every night to get enough sleep for the return to work.

clc408 said...

I try to focus on fitness with healthy eating and daily activity.

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I like the holidays, and don't feel particularly exhausted. We get all the decorations put away, clean the house properly, and plan all the fun things we're going to do in the new year.

Tarah Manning said...

I like to do a winter purge on the house. Once the Christmas decor comes down, I purge everything else to make room for the new things that have come into the house. It feels good to organize and streamline!

Jennifer Dunaway said...

I make sure I'm working out each morning and getting plenty of rest at night.

SexyBrat said...

I change my routine to include an exercise routine every morning.

Lisa Weidknecht said...

I try to get lots of sleep, drink lots of coffee, and keep the heater turned up to 75 degrees so it's balmy in the house.

Unknown said...

Important to me to get a fresh start on the new year with a new routine, add a new item weekly do not over whelm your senses, drink one extra glass of water at breakfast and add one to lunch and dinner after a few weeks increase your fluid intake and get rid of carbonated drinks.

Jean norton said...

eat a appel every day get to bed by 3 ,take good care of your self you belong to me.

Evelyn said...

After the holidays, I set new goals for myself, and I break those goals down into months and weeks. I then break them down further into daily goals and give myself a list. I find pleasure in crossing things off that list, so it helps a ton with motivation!

vossta said...

We try to take a trip right after the holiday's so we can rest and relax and get ready for a new year.

diesel51 said...

I make a list of things that I would like to accomplish for the year. Make sure the things are realistic with one thing being fun, like a trip.

msrodeobrat said...

I start fresh by making my new years resolution to not put off until tomorrow what should be done today. It applies to everything in my life! Every day I try to do everything I think I need to, and not be lazy. It is pretty easy at the beginning of the year and it really helps
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Ashley C

danijebo said...

I get all the decorations put away then I start on a room once a weekend and clear out the unwanted stuff.

Lisa V. said...

Well coffee always helps, but just need to refocus and get back to normal.

Julie said...

After the holidays I slowly ease back into my routine. I use my planner to help me get motivated to actually DO things. ;)

slehan said...

I swim 3 times a week and pace myself through the holidays so I don't get exhausted.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com

Unknown said...

For me, it's not about starting a new routine but getting back into my old one. Getting the kids up and off to school is usually the hardest part of my day, lol.

Bonnie in FL said...

I like to pack up all the decorations and then start going through the rooms one at a time and basically get rid of some stuff I'm trying to have less knick knacks and things that take up room, clutter and dust collectors I want to start the new year with a clean slate

susansmoaks said...

to get back into my routine i just start cold turkey. that works best for me. i like to get up on the morning after the holidays and get going.

Ingrid said...

I start the New Year off, cooking the traditional dinner, then the family come for dinner and they do the dishes. I am now ready to relax as my house is still clean from Christmas; finally, I'll get back to my scrapbooking projects that I will gift for Christmas this year.

Shari Klyn said...

The day before I go back to work (I am a substitute teacher), I relax the entire day. I will read, watch some tv, and then take a long hot bath.

Leslie said...

Try to get enough sleep

susan1215 said...

After indulging in too many sweets and rich foods over the holidays, I'm eating more fresh fruits and vegetables low fat proteins and going for more walks.

ineedaubrey said...

After the holidays I start a fresh routine by using my planner and writing down everything i need to do during the day to stay on schedule.

laurasloves said...

After the holidays I like to start a fresh and new routine of completely organizing my home I organize my kitchen cabinets, drawers and replace old spices with new ones on my spice rack.
Laurie Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I dont celebrate holidays so im exempt from the drain of it all. I watch everyone else driving themselves crazy for a solid month...

Unknown said...

Coffee, coffee, coffee. I have learned to keep the holidays to the important things so not much stress here. We do, however, start a new routine in the new year by getting rid of the old and organizing and cleaning everything.

Trisha McKee said...

I purge all extra items. I clean and donate and move in any new things received over the holidays. I ensure there is time spent with the family while also enforcing a schedule so normalcy can be obtained.

Candie L said...

I drink lots and lots and lots of caffenine. Thank you


AEKZ2 said...

I start a new routine by listing my priorities. Then, I just do it. I try to complete 1 thing on my list a day.