
Sunday, June 10, 2018

I'm Back!

After a VERY extended period of no stitching, I'm back!  My eyesight went bad... so it was, I thought, useless to keep trying.

However, Happy Husband bought me a new OTT-LITE desk lamp and some 5X readers (yes, 5X, can you imagine?) and I cautiously picked up an old WIP.

This is Celtic Heart from M-designs.  I started this several years ago on 36 ct. Lugana.  The floss is Vikki Clayton's HDF in Lavender and Rose.  I'm working 1 over 2 and getting fantastic coverage.

I have the chart divided into 4 parts to make it easier to keep my place.  So far, so good.

It's so nice to have needle and fabric in my hand again.  I've missed this.

I'll update my progress in a couple of days.

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